The Grinch was at it again!
The Grinch and helper working to help make sure everyone has a wonderful Christmas.
Rotary’s Focus for September – Basic Education and Literacy
We delivered over 250 dictionaries to five Oil City and Cranberry Elementary Schools. It is amazing how delighted the 4th graders are in getting their own books!!
Oil City Library Tour
Thank you to Dan Flaherty, Director of the OC Library, for the wonderful tour! We are excited about partnering with you and adding to your Realia Collection (the cool stuff!)
District Governor Visit
Looking forward to a great year with District Governor Ken Fleeson leading the way
Annual President’s Dinner 2019
The Oil City Rotary Club’s Annual President’s Dinner was held at Morrison Park on June 27th. Congratulations to all on a great year! Looking forward to next year and celebrating 100 years of serving in our community.
Welcome to Oil City!
The Oil City Rotary, along with the help of the Oil City Garden Club, King’s Landscaping, Caldwell Signage Solutions, and Take Pride recently replaced the three welcome signs coming into the city. Oil City Rotary funded the project with the help of a matching grant...
Rotary Gardens Are Planted!
Tomatoes and peppers and peas OH MY! The Rotary Community Gardens are planted. Soon we will have vegetables that will be donated to the Open Door Cafe to be used for soups and distributing to the community.
New Corporate Member
Oil City Rotary welcomes Karissa (Kari) Shoup (r) of Oakwood Heights Senior Care as our new corporate member. Glad to have you as part of our group Kari!
Oil City Community Clean-up Day
Rotarians at work! Spring cleaning Town Square.
Congratulations Beth Harman – Paul Harris Fellow
Bob Cross presented Beth Harman with her Paul Harris Fellow certificate and chevron recognizing her for her contributions to The Rotary Foundation.
Fun Night – Duck Pin Bowling at K of C
New Member Application
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Rotary Basics
To download, click here.
Supporting the local domestic violence shelter
Rotary’s Area of Focus last month was on Violence and Conflict Prevention/Resolution. The Oil City Rotary Club invited staff from the PPC Violence Free Network to speak at a meeting and then collected items for the local domestic violence shelter. Thank you to...
Welcome to our new member – Ed Turner

Paul Harris Fellow Recognition
Congratulations to Kathleen Vrana (L) on attaining her first Paul Harris pin in recognition of her contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Through her gift she gave an opportunity to do even more good in the world through the Foundation.
New Members
Welcome to our club Chad Pastorius (middle) and John McCullough (R)Rotary Foundation Brief Sheet
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Little Library Gets a Facelift
This Little Library, located near the corner of S. Main and Meadow Rd in Seneca, received a recent facelift thanks to Oil City Rotarian Rebekah...
Chili Cook-Off
Like Chili? Each year the Oil City Rotary Club holds a Chili Cook-off during Oil City’s Christmas Past. The proceeds from the annual event are donated to various local organizations or are used to fund Oil City Rotary...
Bowl For Kids’ Sake
The Oil City Rotary Club is an annual sponsor of the Big Brothers Big Sisters “Bowl for Kids’ Sake.” The bowling event is organized by Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Oil Region and raises money to assist staff in locating mentors for local...
Annually, the Oil City Rotary Club shares a booth with Big Brothers Big Sisters at the grand Applefest festival in Franklin, PA each fall. The Oil City Rotary Club started selling Grilled Clark’s Donut Sundaes in 2015 at the annual festival. Along with the sales of...
Great Evening Meeting 12/27/18
Thank you Deer Creek Winery and Log Cabin Restaurant for a wonderful evening!
New Member
Welcome to our club Mark ZieglerBell Ringing for the Salvation Army – Doing the Most Good!

District Governor Scott Bayline Inducts New Rotarian
Aug 2, 2018 District Governor Scott Bayline visited the Oil City Rotary Club meeting on August 2, 2018, and inducted newest Rotarian Lynn...
2018 President’s Dinner Held at Morrison Park
The Oil City Rotary Club held the President’s Dinner on Thursday, June 28, 2018 at Morrison Park in Seneca, PA. President Matt Bloom passed the gavel to Eva Palmer, who is slated to be the new President for a 2 year term. Also during the annual dinner, new board...
Oil City Rotary Club a Sponsor for the 22nd Annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake in Venango County
The Oil City Rotary Club sponsored a lane and participated in the 22nd Annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake in Venango County on April 7, 2018. The Oil City Rotary Club is one of many sponsors of the annual event. Future Rotarian Max Bloom, son of Oil City Rotarian Matt...
Oil City Rotary Highway Pickup
The Oil City Rotary Cleans Up Riverside Dr as part of their bi-annual highway pickup project. Saturday, March 24, 2018 Oil City Rotary cleaned up Riverside Drive in Oil City on Saturday, March 24, 2018, as part of their bi-annual highway pickup project. What all does...
Venango Technology Center Presents at Oil City Rotary Club
Kayla Chatley, a student from Vo-Tech, gives a presentation about the natural resource day at Hasson Heights Park for 5th grade Oil City students. (photo courtesy of Bill Hastings). The Oil City Vo-Tech gave a presentation to the Oil City Rotary Club on March 22,...
District Governor Judy Hughes Visits the OC Rotary Club
2017-18 District Governor Judy Hughes was the guest presenter at the Oil City Rotary Club meeting on October 5, 2017. Governor Hughes spoke about the many projects and undertakings of Rotary and some of this year’s main projects include: Working with and aiding...
2017 Rotary District 7280 Conference Held in Punxsutawney, PA
The Rotary District 7280 Conference was held in Punxsutawney, PA in May of 2017. Oil City Rotarians Eva Palmer and Kathy Vrana attended the event at Gobbler’s Knob.

2016 Oil City Rotary President’s Dinner
Every year on July 1, the torch of Rotary Club President is passed from the President to the new President-elect. The annual President’s Dinner is a fun gathering for Rotarian’s and their families and creates a fresh start to the Rotary year.